Tag: EOD

R3 Celebrates our 15-year Anniversary

R3 Teammates recently gathered to recognize our 15-year anniversary.  Some of our most “seasoned” teammates who have been with us from year 1 (Andy Bradley, Randy Bradford, Ken Normand and Marc Tranchemontagne) joined virtually from across the country to share some great sea-stories about our early days.  We are incredibly proud of our history and honored and privileged that we have opportunities to continue providing a wide-range of service support — including training, logistics, maintenance, commodity management, technical expertise, and professional services — that contribute to the operational readiness and combat effectiveness of our Nation’s great service men and women.  We’ve had over 570 total employees in the last 15 years, became employee-owned, have supported over 100 separate contracts for more than 25 commands, and expanded our philanthropic support to 9 separate charities.  Thank you to all our teaming partners and professional advisors!

R3 welcomes Ken Martin

We are excited to welcome aboard Ken Martin to the R3 family.  He retired from the United States Navy after twenty-three years of service and was piped ashore during a retirement ceremony held at the Navy Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) in Panama City, Florida.  See a retirement photo at this link.  Ken began his service as a Navy Diver at Trident Refit Facility Bangor, WA.  He served onboard USS Simon Lake in La Madalena, Italy and at Naval Operational Medicine Institute, Pensacola, FL.  He was commissioned in 2000 through the Enlisted Commissioning Program after graduating from the University of Washington and subsequently joined the Special Operations Officer Community.

Post commissioning, Ken continued to serve in a variety of areas including Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Navy Diving, Surface Warfare, and Mine Warfare.  He is well versed in Irregular Warfare, Counter Insurgency, Counter IED / Anti-Terrorism, Security Force Assistance, and NATO / Coalition partnership. He completed two combat deployments to Iraq working directly with coalition and Iraqi forces where he earned two Bronze Stars.  Specifically, his Platoon was assigned to train the Iraqi Bomb Disposal Forces.

In the area of training and education, Ken served as Executive Officer (Acting) at the Center for EOD and Diving (CEODD).  He coordinated the establishment of a PEP instructor position at Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center with an exchange Master Diver position in Cartagena, Spain.  Ken also headed the initiative to revamp the EOD Officer warfare qualification and associated standards; creating an EOD Officer Qualification as well as a Department Head level qualification.

Ken’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Washington and a Master’s degree in Operational and Information Science from the Naval Postgraduate School in the Special Operations for Low Intensity Conflict Department.