In acknowledgment of our team’s invaluable contributions to the Maritime Expeditionary Security Force (MESF) mission, members of the R3 family had the unique opportunity to embark on a memorable voyage aboard the U.S. Navy-designated PCF-816 (Mk-II), a meticulously restored Swift Boat categorized as a “Patrol Craft-Fast.” The dedicated professionals within R3’s accounting and finance, human resources, security, business development, and contracting sectors have consistently demonstrated their unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional corporate support and expertise, with a continued commitment for the years ahead.
During this off-site team-building event, R3 team members had the privilege to immerse themselves in the profound history and enduring legacy of the MESF, encompassing a period marked by dynamic organizational transformations as it transitioned from the Coastal Riverine Force to the MESF.
The PCF-816 holds an esteemed place in military history due to its pivotal role in training and preparing thousands of Sailors who served on this vessel type during the Vietnam War. Between 1965 and 1970, Swift Boats played pivotal roles in conducting coastal and inland waterway patrols during this historically significant period, including engaging in interdiction activities along the Vietnamese coast and inland waterways.

Upon the conclusion of Operation Iraqi Freedom at the end of 2011, the NECC’s RIVRON units were consolidated into the newly formed Coastal Riverine Force (CRF). The CRF’s primary mission was to safeguard designated landside and maritime high-value assets against determined adversaries.
On September 16, 2020, the NECC officially announced the name change from CRF to Maritime Expeditionary Security Forces (MESF). The core competencies of MESF units of action are skillfully task-organized and applied across a wide spectrum of military operations, encompassing major combat operations, maritime security operations, force protection, antiterrorism, theater security cooperation, stability activities, noncombatant evacuation operations, foreign humanitarian assistance, and foreign disaster assistance. MESF is predominantly focused on combat support, providing essential functions such as force protection, operational support, and operational assistance to combat units.