Category: Events

R3 Sponsors Mt. Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial 4th Annual Women’s History Tribute & Brunch

R3 Teammates attended the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial’s 4th Annual Women’s History Tribute and Brunch on March 20th.

R3 proudly sponsored the brunch that honored the remarkable contributions of women in our nation’s military service — past and present. The event also coincided with Women’s History Month.

This year’s event paid special recognition to women in the U.S. Air Force and honored LtCol Evelyn Jean Wright, USAF (Ret.), a distinguished Flight Nurse who transported patients across the Pacific during the Korea and Vietnam Wars. Colonel Wright also pioneered the first advanced military obstetrical nursing course and served as a Consultant in Maternal Nursing to the Surgeon General.

Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial’s goal remains telling the stories of our service members and reminding people of the ultimate sacrifice our soldiers make to keep our country free and safe. The walls of Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial are as unique as the veterans who adorn them. Unlike other veteran’s memorials, they choose to honor veterans both living and deceased. The memorial’s walls list more than names; they are made up of black granite plaques featuring the stories, pictures, and accomplishments of the brave men and women who have served our country and our allied forces.

To find out more about the memorial, please visit




R3 Sponsors 7th Annual NSOF Benefit Gala

As part of our ongoing commitment to the Navy Special Operations Foundation (NSOF), we are honored to be named a Diamond Sponsor of the 7th Annual NSOF Benefit Gala at the Marriott Resort Virginia Beach Oceanfront on June 28, 2025. This formal, black-tie event celebrates the laurels of the Navy Special Operations community and raises funds for the sole organization exclusively serving this remarkable community of heroes!

At R3 Strategic Support Group, we have firsthand experience of the sacrifices the men and women of the Navy Special Operations community make and understand the challenges they and their families face. That’s why we are proud to support the NSOF and have representative corporate membership on its Advisory Board.

The NSOF’s mission is to ensure our Navy Special Operations operators, and their families, are provided with all the tools necessary to overcome any challenges they may face and let them know they are never alone in the fight.

We encourage everyone to learn more about the NSOF and the vital work it does for our military community at Navy Special Operations Foundation.

R3 Celebrates our 15-year Anniversary

R3 Teammates recently gathered to recognize our 15-year anniversary.  Some of our most “seasoned” teammates who have been with us from year 1 (Andy Bradley, Randy Bradford, Ken Normand and Marc Tranchemontagne) joined virtually from across the country to share some great sea-stories about our early days.  We are incredibly proud of our history and honored and privileged that we have opportunities to continue providing a wide-range of service support — including training, logistics, maintenance, commodity management, technical expertise, and professional services — that contribute to the operational readiness and combat effectiveness of our Nation’s great service men and women.  We’ve had over 570 total employees in the last 15 years, became employee-owned, have supported over 100 separate contracts for more than 25 commands, and expanded our philanthropic support to 9 separate charities.  Thank you to all our teaming partners and professional advisors!