R3 Sponsors Mt. Soledad National Veteran’s Memorial 4th Annual Women’s History Tribute & Brunch

R3 Teammates attended the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial’s 4th Annual Women’s History Tribute and Brunch on March 20th.

R3 proudly sponsored the brunch that honored the remarkable contributions of women in our nation’s military service — past and present. The event also coincided with Women’s History Month.

This year’s event paid special recognition to women in the U.S. Air Force and honored LtCol Evelyn Jean Wright, USAF (Ret.), a distinguished Flight Nurse who transported patients across the Pacific during the Korea and Vietnam Wars. Colonel Wright also pioneered the first advanced military obstetrical nursing course and served as a Consultant in Maternal Nursing to the Surgeon General.

Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial’s goal remains telling the stories of our service members and reminding people of the ultimate sacrifice our soldiers make to keep our country free and safe. The walls of Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial are as unique as the veterans who adorn them. Unlike other veteran’s memorials, they choose to honor veterans both living and deceased. The memorial’s walls list more than names; they are made up of black granite plaques featuring the stories, pictures, and accomplishments of the brave men and women who have served our country and our allied forces.

To find out more about the memorial, please visit https://soledadmemorial.org/