Christian Stewart

Christian Stewart

Christian Stewart joined R3 in 2019 and now manages the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training and Evaluation Unit One (EODTEU ONE) Instructor Training and Support. He provides EODTEU ONE with a support team of Subject Matter Experts experienced in Explosive Ordnance Disposal operations, combat shooting techniques, tactical vehicle operation, NECC training evolutions. He and his team are responsible for training Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Units in combat skills necessary for integration with Special Operation Units to increase combat readiness and effectiveness. In addition, Christian oversees critical, time-intensive administrative functions and logistical expeditionary support in Training and Readiness at EODGRU ONE, including ESU ONE Robotics Warfare Technicians, Vehicle Fleet Dispatch, and Diesel Mechanic Vehicle and Boat support.

Christian has nineteen years of experience as a team manager, Subject Matter Expert, and High-Risk Instructor, developing and instructing programs for Naval Special Warfare, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, and Center for Security Forces personnel. He has led programs designed specifically to strengthen teamwork, increase mental toughness, promote combat readiness, and force protection for Naval Special Warfare prospects, at the Center for Security Forces, and while integrating Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Units with Special Operations and conventional forces.

He served as a Naval Special Warfare Operator (SEAL), Sniper, Special Operations Combat Medic (18-Delta), and Naval Special Warfare Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) Instructor. During his career, he developed specific skills in combat, security, leadership, management, and training personnel and their associated equipment, all of which are pertinent to disciplines of maritime, combined, interagency, Special Operations Commands, and other joint commands.